Amuck in a sentence as an adjective

Every time the giant shifts in its sleep, the villagers run amuck.

This isn't a case of a legal system run amuck, it's a case of overkill when asking someone to leave a project.

The same argument was played out when people started noticing that monkey-patching run amuck caused certain problems. I agree with you that this is a design choice.

Some more examples of this: * They have a road toll system called Salik, which is like EZ Pass gone amuck. There are numerous tolls and each give the police the ability to track any car to a small area.

I respect a guy who doesn't give a **** what he owns about a million times more than this example of privilege and loneliness run amuck.

Sure, sooner or later, individuals are going to build robots that run amuck and **** some people - but to really massacre at a large scale takes a state sponsor.

Because of that, when they run amuck it's more news worthy or at least more salacious than when your typical scummy corporation does the same.

Amuck in a sentence as an adverb

These gestapo goons are running amuck harassing innocent citizens.

That isn't to say there is no place for regulation, but assuming without regulation business should be expected to run amuck is a bit cynical.

So all laws or things like this with non-violence being locked up and a private prison industry run amuck, we need to change drastically soon. People are human and they can mess up, our systems for corrections sometimes mess up the rest of their lives for one momentary lapse of reason.

Texting and the internet paved the way for the moral decline of America, and this lazy, entitled generation is running amuck with no fear of God. We can fix that! We could even publish a registry of romantic relationships which don't lead to marriages.

It's like some laboratory experiment gone amuck on how layering bad abstractions on things makes even awesome things awful. } And now for my next trick, I'm going to go integrate XeTeX into my current product to generate custom typeset results for customers.

In politics, in particular, attackers run amuck, transacting amongst each other with exploitation as currency. Arguments are the system of politics, and the same security principles apply to both arguments and systems.

That's part of the reason companies are listing on foreign exchanges, and let's be honest, you dont' see "fraud running amuck" on the London Stock Exchange do you? I like 37 Signals approach to building products and many of their business philosophies but they seem to have a need to relentlessly attack any other way of creating a company or doing business.

Amuck definitions


frenzied as if possessed by a demon; "the soldier was completely amuck"; "berserk with grief"; "a berserk worker smashing windows"

See also: amok berserk demoniac demoniacal


wildly; without self-control; "when the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck, blocking the exit"

See also: amok


in a murderous frenzy; "rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones"

See also: amok murderously