Amply in a sentence as an adverb

The PI is still a third of the price, depending on you want to do with it, it might be amply enough.

The little sacrifice to your ethics will be amply repaid.

But it's the best way to sidestep most of the pitfalls everyone is amply describing here.

As has been amply documented in various HN threads, it hasn't increased at all in the last 15 years or so, really.

Curious that I feel that brainpower would have been more amply available in the streets of Shenzhen than New York.

Admittedly this is an extreme example, but it amply demonstrates the power of the DSM.

You cannot file bugs every time I don't provide exactly the comments in exactly the tone you're looking for. Or, as you're amply demonstrating, you can, but it's unlikely to do you any good.

> Curious that I feel that brainpower would have been more amply available in the streets of Shenzhen than New York...although perhaps not at 4AM, which is when you went?

So I think that novices of today are probably amply familiar with this mode of operation, even before learning to program.

I think such an arrangement would pay off amply in the long run. I know when I was my mid-20s, if I'd had a shrink to help me combat some issues which had the side effect of leading to severe procrastination, I'd have been considerably more productive.

Amazon is the proof that corporations are not all short-term-focused, and the shareholders have amply rewarded Amazon for that with a huge P/E.

The discordance of identical twins for all human behavioral characteristics amply proves that.

A difference in marketing and distribution amply explains the greater scrutiny, without resorting to implications of sexism.

Amply definitions


to an ample degree or in an ample manner; "these voices were amply represented"; "we benefited richly"

See also: richly


sufficiently; more than adequately; "the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions"; "they were fully (or amply) fed"

See also: fully