Ambo in a sentence as a noun

The ambo doesn't get there in time, and Bob dies.

From what I hear in the UK, ambo crews don’t wait around, definitely not 2-3 hours.

The healthcare professional had to stop the assessment and call for an ambo.

Not sure if an extra 10 - 15 minutes it took to get a ambo to me would have helped, but I'd prefer the odds my way where possible!

As far as I recall, it's mostly duo, ambo, and 2nd declension nouns by analogy in archaizing poetic passages.

It's worth it if an error means a bit of grumbling; it's not worth it if an error means a noisy visable death and ambo call out and press coverage.

Because I can understand those kind of response times if you're a paramedic or ambo driver, but otherwise it sounds like power-tripping ******** from bad managers.

Ambo definitions


a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

See also: dais podium pulpit rostrum stump soapbox