Amazing in a sentence as an adjective

Google was proud to announce that and it was amazing.

Well now he's got the founder of CD Baby on board, too. This is amazing.

" Wouldn't you like to set out to do amazing things with that person on your team?

Great team, we had a lot of fun and millions of amazing customers.

The Internet access wasn't amazing but it was totally functional and we could VPN out through it.

[1]Isn't it amazing, the lack of sacrifice necessary to make fat stacks of cash writing software?

Back in the original dot-com bubble, I worked at a place that had the most amazing coffee machine I've ever seen.

What I find the most amazing about this whole thing is that it was designed by the same architect as the "death ray" building in Las Vegas.

When I first created an account 1883 days ago I thought this place was amazing, and that I'd never seen such high quality discussion on the Internet before.

Probably nobody is ever going to use Dragonfly in the real world, but watching people pick apart a new crypto protocol in public is amazing and hugely educational.

We chatted about the amazing implications of nanotechnology to change everything about human life.

I remember reading this published insight[1] from Marissa Mayer a few months ago:Burnout is caused by resentmentWhich sounded amazing, until this guy who dated a neuroscientist commented[2]:No. Burnout is caused when you repeatedly make large amounts of sacrifice and or effort into high-risk problems that fail.

I have a good -- not great -- GPA, and I get to do amazing and interesting things every day; I got into programming after volunteering with a CS major -- I learned about HN, ironically, from my Finance professor.

It was one of the great attempts in all history to try to do what many dream of doing today through the internet and the advantages of the digital age: limited by the resources of that day, for sure, but an amazing achievement nonetheless.

Amazing definitions


surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"

See also: astonishing


inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent"

See also: awe-inspiring awesome awful awing