Amaranth in a sentence as a noun

That's what this level was for, to grow 'ponic amaranth, lettuce, things like that.

It's nice they have amaranth in there but it doesn't exactly seem groundbreaking.

More usefully, the app can show you how amaranth compares against other foods to help you make choices.

Try adding a source of carbs with a low glycemic index like quinoa, amaranth or legumes.

Being used to reading ingredient labels and the recommended values, I was thinking amaranth contained ~90% of Calcium per serving, then I watched the video.

For amaranth, if you compare it to the recommended daily intake, you'll see a full bar for amaranth and just a sliver for the recommended daily intake, meaning 2000 calories of amaranth would have way more calcium than you need.

Amaranth definitions


seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South America


any of various plants of the genus Amaranthus having dense plumes of green or red flowers; often cultivated for food