Algae in a sentence as a noun

Ever seen the algae that suffocates a pond?

The carbon in any algae you find today was taken out of the atmosphere within the past ~year.

The amount of carbon in algae is very small compared to the total carbon budget of the biosphere.

"We believe that the process we've created will help make algae biofuels much more economical.

The researchers measured the rate of shell growth for the diverse species ranging from crabs to algae, from both temperate and tropical waters.

When I've seen bottle gardens, they all develop a thick scum from minerals in condensation, algae, and bacterial plaques.

It is carbon neutral in the way that when you grow algae, unless you are feeding it CO2 produced by burning oil, or something, the carbon will come from the biosphere.

But smooth growth in computer performance or cat ******* performance means there is no such sudden change date for FPS video games or algae based feedstock for hydrocrackers.

Increased acidity dissolves the calcium carbonate skeletons that form the structure of reefs, and increasing temperatures lead to bleaching where the corals lose symbiotic algae they rely on.

I read about a bio-start-up that's developing an algae-catalysed process that converts sunlight and atmospheric carbon dioxide into a sort of crude oil that can be directly refined just like crude oil.

At off-peak periods, you'll play air conditioner drip Frogger and try to get to your destination without being slimed with a melange of condensation, pigeon poop, and algae/mold/bacteria by inferring a safe path from the locations of puddles on the sidewalk.

Algae definitions


primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves

See also: alga