Agnosia in a sentence as a noun

Never thought of people with facial agnosia.. someone make an app !

Patients with agnosia who have damage to object-recognition parts of the visual cortex can’t name an object they see, but can grab it.

" If you are told, the physically enforced agnosia kicks in, and you are physically incapable of understanding what you hear.

They receive the same somatic input, it's just not translated into affect the way most people do, in the same way that a face doesn't register 'faceness' to someone with prosopagnosia.

It's also interesting whether there are people with apperceptive visual agnosia who are susceptible to adversarial examples.

> But if people can live missing massive chunks of their brain, is it really believable that tiny differences can cause such massive societal outcomes?Congratulations, you are today's demonstration of 'proving too much': you have also just proven that things like lesions and scars cannot affect cognition, warp personalities, create agnosias and aphasias, and result in bizarre conditions like those Oliver Sacks has so memorably documented, because lesions're so tiny and such small parts of the brain - 'if people can live missing massive chunks of their brain, is it really believable that tiny differences can cause such massive societal outcomes?

Agnosia definitions


inability to recognize objects by use of the senses