Aggressively in a sentence as an adverb

We were somewhat surprised that Amazon aggressively pursued the matter because it seemed so obvious to us that they wouldn't prevail.

They're also aggressively monitored during the day and require attentiveness and a cordial demeanor.

They aggressively escalated physically with every woman they were flirting with.

And once the world moves against you, those that you so aggressively bullied will cheer your demise: you will never recover until you accept that you have failed your customers and violated their trust.

Remember when Facebook started aggressively poaching Google employees and Google responded publicly by giving every engineer a substantial raise and privately in ways substantially more expensive than that?

If true, the aggressively planned PR campaign indicates that this was more than just a politically-sensitive topic, but rather a politically-motivated talk: He had hired a PR firm to promote the talk to MoveOn and others, and the PR firm warned us .

This is one of those "why I am a great developer" sorts of posts that allows people to pat themselves on the back and congratulate each other on how great they are, passive-aggressively sending it out to the team in hopes of denigrating some team member who likes newer things.

What I find surprising is that, in the process of writing a historical review on Microsoft, anyone would ignore the fact that MS has repeatedly identified areas of profit, moved in, failed spectacularly, iterated aggressively, and ultimately become dominant, at least for a time.

Aggressively definitions


in an aggressive manner; "she was being sharply questioned"

See also: sharply