Afflicted in a sentence as an adjective

" Women are just as afflicted by "lookism" as Ted Chaing called it.

Oh, and there's a pattern of weak family ties in the homes of the afflicted girls.

That isn't the case with enterprise, "pattern"-afflicted Java.

Cross your fingers and hope that you'll never use a machine afflicted with a keylogging trojan.

I certainly do not remember them suffering from the congestion problems this version seems to be afflicted by.

Scientists are no less afflicted with selfishness, vanity or pettiness than people in any other industry.

His argument has more holes in it than aerogel.> Most philosophical debates are not merely afflicted by but driven by confusions over words.

Mercy no. What ever happened to letting each comment stand on its own merit?Hacker News is already afflicted with "celebrities" and their unbearable sycophants.

All the computers they sell are crapware free, and even come preloaded with the free, near-invisible MSE instead of the awful antivirus trialware most other Windows computers are afflicted with.

So one guy got some bad indicators that proved to be nothing, who cares?My father did 23 and me, without giving any family medical history and it concluded that my father was at a much higher risk factor for things that his mother was ultimately afflicted with.

Afflicted definitions


grievously affected especially by disease

See also: stricken


mentally or physically unfit

See also: impaired