Affine in a sentence as a noun

In geometry, this would be an affine transformation.

Yep. Edge detection + affine transform. No need for any fancy dots.

And it is obvious why, most of the non-internet affine people are already on Facebook but will never install a IRC client.

See Sejnowski and Bell in [1] Also, PCA is an affine transform, so there is no reason it couldn't be incorporated/learned by the net itself. In fact, I think most nets these days eschew PCA/ZCA when they have sufficient data support.

I think an intuitive guide should have more diagrams of affine transformations. Don't just visualize the matrix, visualize the transformation.

Affine in a sentence as an adjective

Ugh. Of course on the PS1, there was no software rendering anyway, and we just had to subdivide foreground polys to avoid affine-mapping artifacts. I'm still not sure how we dealt with all the seaming issues that that can introduce.

This may be getting pedantic, but the relationship is affine not linear - linear would mean k times the original input would yield k times the original output.

The things that make Rust able to do what it does are ownership and tasks and lifetimes and affine types -- all the things the post covers before talking about "unsafe". Also, it gives the impression that there's something fundamentally unsafe about all of this, whereas the whole point is that these abstractions are _safe_ to use.

CoverFlow is another scroller that is horizontal, but where the affine matrix transform applied to a surface is based on the distance of a surface from the cursor and inverts on each side of the cursor. One team of beta testers used the scroll view to display a DNA double helix. It was basically two position linked vertical-scrollers, where the positioner function didn't just set the position on the Y-axis, but also manipulated the affine matrix to create the helix shape.

This is even more applicable to Rust where the system that deals with lifetimes and ownership are based on ideas that evolved out of linear/affine type systems that can track resource consumption. Funnily enough linear type systems have a direct connection to linear logic, and via the Curry-Howard-Lambek there is another correspondence to symmetric/closed monoidial categories.

Affine definitions


(anthropology) kin by marriage


(mathematics) of or pertaining to the geometry of affine transformations


(anthropology) related by marriage

See also: affinal