Affecting in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds like you made one mistake that's affecting the brand -- not that you made one of the thousands of other mistakes.

He is not trying to compete and is not negatively affecting your business.

"Gone" can mean retired just as well as it could mean dead -- the point is that that person is no longer influential in the circles they were affecting.

The data are really impressive, and they seemed to have pulled out really interesting trends for how transcription factors are affecting coding sequence.

But I will tell you that I now never > share my struggles with anybody I think might be even > remotely close to affecting my future opportunities.

Given that Freenode hosts channels for many open source projects, these attacks aren't just annoying bystanders, they're potentially affecting the progress of our technology.

This is exactly why I think the debate should be less about "how can we as humans stop affecting Earth's natual climate" and "how can we as humans gain control over Earth's natural climate".Climate change happens with us or without us.

There is the occasional absolutely phenomenal and industry-affecting discussion here.

That sort of "solution" would have been folly in our digital age and so too would any overkill-style governmental solution affecting any beneficial and innovative technologically-driven service that can come about by linking what people have to offer with what people need to use, and that includes Airbnb.

Affecting definitions


arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching"

See also: poignant touching