Admonition in a sentence as a noun

I'm going to guess that along with the $500k came the admonition to hire real engineers stat.

It is an admonition that you should do work that creates a better life for people other than yourself. This is giving service to others.

Well, you know that the admonition about buying a parrot is in there because it happened at least once. Nobody thinks up that case in advance.

The absurdity of the frequentist approach is clear from the admonition not to look at the results of the tests too often.

I even half typed a sarcastic admonition at the end of this and then backspaced because it would have done nothing to add to the point.

Hence a positive vision of "a computer on every desk" rather than a mere admonition to not "be evil".

As one who is a perpetually happy and upbeat person, I found it remarkably hard to follow this admonition.

I did for 3 years after my degree and faced daily admonition & nagging from my parents on why I didn't have a job. It was even harder to deal w/ their assumptions that I was "unemployable" / not good at my chosen path.

Somehow after reading this presentation, I was struck with Yoda's admonition: Eich seems to be looking to the future, never his mind on where his language was.

The article ends with an admonition: "Don't open source anything that represents core business value." It seems like Grit certainly represented core business value, yet they open sourced it.

My advice relates only to those with terminal, metastatic cancer, and is not an admonition but rather a reflection on what I wish we had done. >With that said, there are people who beat even the deadliest cancers, and that very small chance, is one worth thinking about.

Think of it as the "Don't try this at home" admonition. They say that because not everyone will understand both the risks and the implication of the risks, not because as reasonably cautious and intelligent person could not pull off exactly the same stunt "at home."

All autotools-based packages drop themselves into a prefix of /usr/local by default, which makes the admonition to pass --prefix=/usr/local to configure a little strange.

It took some digging to find that indeed the scientists had given a reassuring statement, though it had an expected but-we-cant-be-sure admonition, beforehand.

While I truly sympathize with the author, this article, like many others in similar vein, seems to offer the same kind of message as that stereotypical mom-to-spoiled-kid admonition: "Eat your food, don't you know how lucky you are? There are children starving in Africa!"

I've seen storage recommendations for this drug involving sealed, light opaque containers, kept frozen in an icebox and the admonition that this will only preserve it for a few weeks. You provided less protection, significant dilution, questionable extraction, and stored it for months.

The fact that all of the above is ******** and that Amazon has been secretly negotiating that down to 0% of the list price with the admonition that the developers cannot tell anyone they aren't getting the 20% everyone thinks they're getting tends to indicate that Amazon is aware of this confusion and exploiting it for their own gain.

Admonition definitions


cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality"; "the warning was to beware of surprises"; "his final word of advice was not to play with matches"

See also: monition warning


a firm rebuke

See also: admonishment monition