Administrate in a sentence as a verb

Sometimes I really feel sorry for people that administrate these bug boards.

I also find it's much easier to administrate large groups of Windows servers because of the nice tooling.

We were however constrained in what we could install on the host machines since we administrate these on behalf of others.

Teachers teach because they want to teach, administrators "administrate" for the money.

Out of all the people commenting on #727708, The Spotify post is a rep from an organization with systems to administrate.

I help administrate an instance of The City for my church, and it definitely is expensive and cumbersome.

So tell me again, why would you need anyone from the CIA to administrate your systems, when you have thousands of your own employees, military personnel, and readily available applicants to do so?

A guy who can write excellent code in several disparate languages, manage multiple different server installs, administrate databases, and configure office firewalls.

To suggest the individual administrate such spending is like suggesting we generate a line item for everything the government provides and be able to select what we personally want from it; there's a utopia to be had there, but holy mackerel the logistical coordination and administrative overhead for such a system would be mind-bogglingly complex and large, or the life simple, dull, and risky.

Administrate definitions


work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of; "administer a program"; "she administers the funds"

See also: administer