Addled in a sentence as an adjective

You have to have a pretty addled mind in order to find an obvious prank such as this "terrifying.

Just as most FPS games have no male characters who aren't steroid-addled loons and/or cannon fodder.

I think bitcoin has a myriad of great uses, but is also addled by inherent problems that prevent it from being a standard currency.

It's like public nudity: it sounds cool when you're a hormone-addled teenager, but then you realize that most people's bodies aren't a nice sight at all.

Bleary, burned-out, sleep-deprived, stimulant-addled engineers do not produce decent code no matter how many hours you make them stay at their desks.

And yet, we didn't live in some apocalyptic wasteland with drug addled zombies roaming the land, we had a very modern, progressive, civilized society.

Addled definitions


(of eggs) no longer edible; "an addled egg"


confused and vague; used especially of thinking; "muddleheaded ideas"; "your addled little brain"; "woolly thinking"; "woolly-headed ideas"

See also: befuddled muddled muzzy woolly wooly woolly-headed wooly-minded