Actuate in a sentence as a verb

The binding pin won't bounce up and down when you actuate it with the pick.

The pulses actuate series of stepping switches to form the final phone circuit.

This is normal after a few days as your fingers aren't used to the high force required to actuate the switches.

Has an audible click sound due to a plastic piece actually moving up and down to actuate the switch.

I've seen driving systems with 1-2 second latency from sensor data in to actuate brakes.

But I think the key in these guys is to build dynamic rigid bodies and have "joints" that move around to connect them and help them actuate.

Most of the time it's easier to just use many simpler mechanisms and time and actuate/control them singly instead of these mechanisms.

I personally have browns and love them but reds are more gaming oriented, due to the lack of tactile feedback impeding the switch and the lightest force to actuate.

They use internal combustion engines to power pumps and hydraulic or pneumatic end-effectors to actuate joints.

One has a plastic membrane that separates two conductive surfaces; physical pressure forces the two surfaces in contact and actuates the key.

I don't know what can be learned from that other than making remote-controlled gyro-actuated little cubes that link together via magnets.

It also allows you to grant virtual keys to actuate the lock - enabling use cases like Prim without having to fabricate a physical, non-revocable access token.

Now I'm trying to think of ways that you could actuate thin metal rods, so that you could transform a greyscale picture into a sort of texture-photograph, so that you could "see" details by placing a hand atop it.

Silver is a fantastic conductor, better than copper, but tarnishes far too quickly for contacts that are expected to actuate consistently over a prolonged period of time.

MicroBridge allows stock, unrooted Android devices to talk directly to USB host enabled MCUs, thereby enabling phones to actuate servos, drive DC motors, talk to I2C and SPI devices, read ADCs, and so forth.

These are usually fairly large contact surfaces and also are relatively sealed, but you can get situations where you need to press harder on the key to get it to actuate, and if little bits of **** get between the surfaces then the key is pretty well dead.

Force a gc every time through the main sense-and-actuate loop of your control programit's a trick used by lisp game programmers -- there are a few games floating around the app store written in gambit scheme and they all do this to avoid gc pausesalso why tf are you running cron jobs on your robot's computer?where i work we deploy linux robots all the time, we control the software loadout so **** like this doesn't happen

Actuate definitions


put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"

See also: trip trigger activate spark


give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"

See also: motivate propel move prompt incite