Actinide in a sentence as a noun

The dose due to actinide particulates from coal is a non-negligible part of your annual exposure.

[12] Since breeder reactors on a closed fuel cycle would use nearly all of the actinides fed into them as fuel, their fuel requirements would be reduced by a factor of about 100.

> that can be used without refiningIt has to first be separated from the rest of the actinide waste, which is very challenging, as they're chemically similar elements.

A burner reactor converts these actinide wastes into more intensely radioactive but less-long-lived fission products.

Vapor pressure of actinide-halide salt is very low at operating temperatures.

The advantage of a burner reactor from a waste perspective is that it can consume longer lived actinide waste products like neptunium, plutonium, and americium.

If desired, however, the actinides can be further separated offsite with additional post-processing techniques.

The byproducts of a fuel fire is stuff like radioiodine and radiocaesium - it's not healthy by any means, if ingested it will elevate the risk of cancer over the long term, but it's not instadeath like actinide waste.

As such, they provide an alternative approach to actinide management in which these nuclear materials are securely stored in long core lifetime power reactors instead of being transmuted in advanced recycle reactors.

> Breeding fuel cycles attracted renewed interest because of their potential to reduce actinide wastes, particularly plutonium and minor actinides.

Granted my direct research was narrow on some aspects of solvent extraction related to actinide separation, but I did get a general impression of other areas from hearing stories and presentations at conferences and such.

It looks like a cost/benefit decision not to recover it: Of the 200 kilogram lanthanide mass removed by liquid metal extraction, we estimate that approximately 20 kilograms will be actinide contaminant with a longer half-life similar to SNF.

Actinide definitions


any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103

See also: actinoid actinon