Acquittance in a sentence as a noun

Why the **** are my non tech friends and acquittances so surprised by this?

An acquittance who worked at Cisco mentioned a month back or so that it was in trouble.

For people I don't know or that are just acquittances, I'll do intros but I do take a referral fee paid as they are paid from the client.

I mean, if there were a free taxi, I can hail it and pick my friends and acquittances randomly into it and drop them at random places.

A normal human can sustain relation with 40 relatives, 150 friends and 1000 acquittances.

For acquittances, if all I do is an intro and nothing else, than depending on the person and the client I have charged nothing to the max of 12%.

Same here, moreover: I've got friends and acquittances in Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, UK, US, Spain among other countries, as well as through several states in my home country.

We need a 'social' cloud box which can talk to the equivalent boxes at the homes of our relatives and acquittances, and which are as easy to set up as logging into a centralized social network.

Acquittance definitions


a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation

See also: release