Acquaintance in a sentence as a noun

I'd be curious to ask if you've got even a passing acquaintance with the structure of the Soviet economy.

I got a Gmail invitation, through an acquaintance, before it was generally available to the public.

An acquaintance did this many years ago: she learned SQL Server, and got references for a couple years of SQL Server experience, and now works at a Fortune 500 company.

An oversimplified view of human history from a commentator who has too little acquaintance with non-Western cultures.

I apologize to techies of my acquaintance who might assume, by construction, that I am comparing bitcoin to fractional Black Lotus depository certificates.

Even if this sort of thing were required, wouldn't this be just like a prescribed foreign language course in middle school that one has but a fleeting acquaintance with, only to have little or nothing stick beyond getting past the requirement for the purposes of passing a class.

After doing cops reporting, I couldn't help but feel extra paranoid when walking certain streets when off the job..."This is where people get shot" is an entirely irrational way to judge a neighborhood, but it won't seem irrational if that's your primary or first acquaintance with the area.

I know through direct personal acquaintance people who spent hard prison time during Taiwan's transition from dictatorship to democracy, who were arrested after leading peaceful public protest demonstrations of the kind that happen every day here in the United States.

What I wonder is, what kind of attitude will people who grow up with those kinds of analytics have towards them?A little while ago in a conversation about privacy an acquaintance told me that he feels good about the fact there is someone or something out there that cares about his interests, even if it's Google [1].

* Among the evidence discovered: one of the shell owners of the porn videos was an "Alan Cooper", who is evidently a former acquaintance of one of the Prenda attorneys with no actual relationship to the business and who has in effect had his identity stolen as a figurehead for the lawsuits.

An acquaintance of mine smuggled digital documentary video out of Iran just by opening up a laptop and loosening one of the two hard drives' connectors so it no longer registered as attached; the brief border search at the airport of course saw one hard drive with nothing particularly nefarious on it, and didn't go to the trouble of determining that this model of laptop should've had two drives.

Acquaintance definitions


personal knowledge or information about someone or something

See also: familiarity conversance conversancy


a relationship less intimate than friendship

See also: acquaintanceship


a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family"

See also: friend