Accountant in a sentence as a noun

Plus, it might mean having to hire an accountant instead of just using turbo tax?

No. Should I be sued when I recommend my accountant to my friend and the accountant defrauds him?

Even a top accountant - probably a partner at a big 4 firm - would make two, three, or four times as much.

Once you have enough revenue that paying taxes on all of it would be a big deal, get an accountant.

You don't tell a recruiter to do the bookkeeping, you get a bookkeeper or accountant for that.

The official version, to satisfy my accountant [+], is a full refund with no questions asked for 30 to 60 days.

Do you care whether your accountant's idea of an enjoyable Friday night is sitting at home making more spreadsheets?

My fiancee works as an accountant and is constantly pushed to work over 70 hrs per week and her job is extremely demanding.

My default response to any "good programmer, bad programmer" post:A smart accountant once told me that the answer to "How much money did you make?

How does the author know this?> A New Jersey-based accountant told me that he sees a clear difference between his older clients and his younger ones.

Your accountant or DB admin or whatever will always be more productive with a keyboard and mouse when it comes to heavy "business" style applications.

Be prepared to show your bank statements, several years of tax returns, and if you're self-employed, a signed letter from your business's accountant about the health of your cash flow.

You can't really afford to have your own contract lawyer, labor lawyer, IP lawyer, accountant, financial advisor and salary market researcher.

In our experiences, while lawyers are pretty professional about what they do, accountants are less so, and accounting/tax issues are the worst offenders for wasting valuable time.

You can't give a lawyer, janitor, and accountant a crash course in neurosurgery, split the job between them, and expect a comparable result in the aggregate even though you created more jobs.

You can implement a rolling reserve on yourself [++] to cover them -- mine is $500, which is more than adequate at a revenue figure in the six figures.+ Your accountant may not be happy if you sell goods with perpetual characteristics because it makes revenue recognition more complicated than it needs to be.++ Rolling reserve = "Don't spend the last $500 in the checking account", which is good advice for a host of reasons, not the least of which being you'll never worry about refunds impacting cash flow.

Accountant definitions


someone who maintains and audits business accounts

See also: comptroller controller