Abominable in a sentence as an adjective

You've heard about the abominable failure rate of startups 9 in 10 fail.

Scroll down that page to see a small animated GIF showing where abominable snow monsters come from.

I've seen abominable code written in python from academics.

I'll cite a source for you: "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.

One of the reasons tptacek and I go on the war path about this is that us geeks seem to be culturally abominable at properly pricing things.

I'll supply the answer: no. Many beautiful sites will not IPO. Many tech companies which IPOed had abominable sites at launch day.

I decided to specialize in front-end web development a few years ago because the state of back end frameworks was so abominable.

Now is it still the abominable dichotomy the OP is claiming?Although I think Word sucks in many ways, letting users combine style sheet and local formatting doesn't seem like the Original Sin from which all evil flowed.

It's not some abominable, indecipherable, impossible task to re-accomplish this.

Individual customer demographic data should be absolutely secret, but that doesn't just mean that marketing people shouldn't upload it to Dropbox so it's easier to pull into their abominable Access DB.

And there you stand, bright-eyed and smiling, and blithely insisting that American eugenicists, American progressives, are pure as the driven snow, smirched by not the tiniest drop of the lakes and rivers and oceans of blood spilled in the name of their abominable theories.

I haven't taken geomtry in 20 \n years, and pi*r^2/8 seems pretty \n freaking obvious.\n\n The script also called a ruby script\n to send him a tweet which another \n script was probably monitoring to text\n his phone so he could screenshot the \n text and post to facebook via \n instagram.\n\n I think the "millenials" - who should\n be referred to as generation byte - get\n undeserved flak, as all generations do,\n for being younger and prettier and \n living in a different world.\n\n But this kid calling himself a prodigy\n is a clear indication of way too many\n gold stars handed out for adequacy, so\n to ensure that no such abominable\n script ever does anything besides \n bomb somebody's twitter account, this\n comment shows up exactly 50% of the \n time, and I encourage others to do \n the same.\n -->

Abominable definitions


unequivocally detestable; "abominable treatment of prisoners"; "detestable vices"; "execrable crimes"; "consequences odious to those you govern"- Edmund Burke

See also: detestable execrable odious


exceptionally bad or displeasing; "atrocious taste"; "abominable workmanship"; "an awful voice"; "dreadful manners"; "a painful performance"; "terrible handwriting"; "an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room"

See also: atrocious awful dreadful painful terrible unspeakable