Abducting in a sentence as an adjective

I don't see how abducting people the next day isn't a criminal offence. But I also don't see anyone caring.

Sure, just as the "ray gun on my brain" to "UFOnauts abducting me and messing with my brain" change is superficial.

\nYou are saying that it's impossible to hide your tracks when abducting someone? So, all the successful abductions that occurred were all due to lazy police work?

Doesn't mean that the Trojans would have been wise to counteract the Greeks by abducting more women. The mob is taking it as a primary reason to run amok, and more people getting killed would add more anger.

It almost always involves abducting someone from a country and taking them to another country. If it didn't have anything to do with location, then why would they do that?

But that stuff isn't stopping the US from abducting and imprisoning its own citizens. I didn't say anything about the transparency, because I got worked up.

Unless they are planning on going full ****** and abducting/killing/imprisoning someone, then minor harassment just makes you look like assholes. Impotent assholes at that.

People are afraid of strangers abducting their kids, of air travel, of nuclear power. They aren't generally afraid of cheeseburgers, raising kids who don't exercise, cars, and coal power, but they should be.

Maybe the lack of abducting people and torturing them, or killing them with drones has something to do with it? And still, there isn't a month without demonstrations against some of the stuff you mentioned, like Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

Until North Korea confessed to abducting Japanese citizens c. 2002, there was even a ferry that traveled regularly between the two.

To instill fear, not bu actually abducting and torturing half the population, just many enough to get the message across. Obey, citizen.

First, there is no way I can actually steal a movie —short of abducting the director, stealing the props… I mean, all I can do is download a copy at almost zero charge. Even if I shoplift a DVD, that's not stealing the movie, that's stealing a plastic disc.

The lulz does not seem like a fair reward when the adversary's not even slightly squeamish about abducting you and your family and selling your organs.

Secret services are hardly all about "abducting people and torturing them", that's actually an aberration of their role. Most of what they do is signal-intelligence of various sorts, and the most silently they can do it, the better."

Snowden is not a no-name citizen, abducting him would create an international diplomatic incident.

Leaving your family is _nothing_ compared to providing emotional support for someone running concentration camps, abducting sex slaves, and all the other stuff.

> Imagine Alabama would start abducting children of people who just moved in, because their parenting is not religous enough. But the issue with this is religious discrimination and a lack of separation between church and state.

Thing is that the rest of the world is terrified of the US government abducting them or extraditing them with political pressure for trumped up charges of terrorism or copyright infringement. Those people plea for help from the international courts you seem to hate.

Sounds like the author is advocating "if you build it they will come", which only works in Iowa if you are hallucinating about dead baseball players and abducting James Earl Jones.

CIA operatives have been charged in numerous European countries for kidnapping and abducting people not guilty on anything by local laws. Because the US wanted them silenced, because of "terror" or whatever.

> CIA operatives have been charged in numerous European countries for kidnapping and abducting people not guilty on anything by local laws. Because the US wanted them silenced, because of "terror" or whatever.

Even several generations of warfare, where each village sacked involved killing the men and abducting the women, would filter out y-chromosomes to see such a large disparity.

The equivalent would be Iranian army guys coming to your house in New York, Montana or whatever, abducting you arbitrarily and holding you indefinitely in some **** hole. For some reason, the US considers it legit to do the same to citizens of other countries.

What we don't have is strong, credible, independently verifiable publically credible evidence that aliens are abducting anyone. I'll tell you what it would look like - something undeniable and irrefutably alien.

Of course, most people think that the US government abducting foreign nationals and torturing them at black sites is a considerably bigger problem than their mother-in-law being grumpy at them for a couple days, and want to do something about it.

But the supposed desire for genetic homogeneity didn't prevent Scandinavians from raiding the French and British coasts, abducting women, and forcibly mating with them, despite their cultural and genetic differences.

Abducting definitions


especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part

See also: abducent