Yellowness in a sentence as a noun

I thought urine yellowness had to do with how much water you drank, so it's more or less diluted.

Do you actually physically see yellow with your eyes or is it more in your mind, or a feeling of yellowness?

My guess is that since the sun is too bright to look directly at, the yellowness is some effect from overloading the eyes and/or looking at it peripherally.

You might come up with [redness of sky, yellowness of sun, roundness of sun] The question is, can you get to a point where you can't subdivide anymore, are there absolute elements of experience?

If your banana vs. ball classifier can only represent "roundness" and "yellowness", the bias will prevent it from seeing a yellow cube as anything but a banana.

I've turned down the yellowness considerably compared to the defaults, and still find myself turning it off in the evening, because suddenly everything becomes washy yellow.

If I have a simple AI system that I feed two numbers to, "yellowness" and "curviness", it's going to decide a lot of things that aren't bananas are bananas, because the representation that it has access to is very biased and is not capable of representing the full complexity of objects in the real world.

Yellowness definitions


yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons

See also: yellow