Wrongly in a sentence as an adverb

You'll convince yourself that you just picked wrongly, so you do some more research.

The Court will not hear cases merely because they might have been wrongly decided unless some such extraordinary factor exists.

It's just that strangers will feel, rightly or wrongly, that having read, and perhaps spread, an appeal that they are entitled to know the details of the outcome.

I think failures of projects such as this can be attributed to wrongly applying lean principles instead of coming out with a more complete offering.

It isn't.- nonlinearities aren't intrinsically bad. If they represent the actual history they are ok.- accidental reintroduction of commits rebased upstream are the result of wrongly rewriting history upstream.

This could potentially increase the number of mine-related injuries because far more people will attempt to live in or traverse known minefields which they wrongly believe to have been cleared yet which still contain roughly half of the original mines.

Wrongly definitions


without justice or fairness; "wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win"- Shakespeare


in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong"

See also: incorrectly wrong