Wrestling in a sentence as a noun

It was a wrestling move before it was a sex position.

>Ive been wrestling with whether to bring back Craigslist listings in the search results.

Apart from that there are subreddits about prowrestling which of course will never be mentioned here.

I can remember wrestling for hours with simple layouts that just wouldn't cooperate cross-browser.

The industry is in need of massive disruption, has been for a decade now, but wrestling their IP seems an impossible feat.

And so the gains on wrestling over the spoils are higher than those on increasing the society's overall production.

There were actual **** this and **** that blocks of code in the repaint...the frustrated Javasoft developer wrestling with repaint math!

One outrageous incident was his arm-wrestling showdown \n with the CEO of Stevens Aviation in 1992.

****, I think I'd rather watch reality TV - they're about as nasty to each other as we are, but at least there's the off chance of ladies mud-wrestling.

" To settle the matter, Kelleher suggested an \n arm-wrestling competition with the winner keeping the \n rights to the slogan.

Not only in technical subreddits but reddits like r/SquaredCircle/ and /r/prowrestling see very interesting discussions.

Over the next two years I spent about 80% of my time wrestling with hardware, setting up load balancers, configuring cache and db servers, and other operational nightmares.

After 15 years of wrestling with hand rolling up, unrolling, threading, rolling for the simplest matrix multiplication, someone said "you should try modern Fortran, it's not like F77 was when you started.

This document is essentially wrestling with the legalities and rules of war that should apply where the contemporary equivalent is concerned.

And that is where we are today, presented with the spectacle of a privileged billionairess who lashes out at phantasms rather than wrestling with the realities of molecular biology.

However a great amount of future progress is going to come from wrestling with more challenging distributions, and paying more attention to when assumptions of normality need to be questioned.

Unfortunately, an outgoing personality is a great way to protect yourself from people asking you the very painful question of "what's wrong"...I know now, after wrestling with depression for years, that sometimes it's harder to face your depression and explain your pain to others than it is to simply be depressed in the first place.

This invisible hand is the aggregate of the projects that other people are working on, the fellow students who walk up and offer to work with you on your project, the subjects covered in the Hacker School library, the languages your fellow students discuss at lunch, the juicy problem your deskmates are wrestling with, and the gentle guidance of the faculty.

Wrestling definitions


the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; "they had a fierce wrestle"; "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"

See also: wrestle grapple grappling


the sport of hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down

See also: rassling grappling