Worthlessness in a sentence as a noun

The worthlessness of these polls is increased by the awful choices.

Troy often sounded off about > the worthlessness of English.

I am usually a DF fan, but this article is riddled with worthlessness:"The design of iOS 7 is based on rules.

That's what prevents the basic income from dissipating into worthlessness.

FB's mistake was to even propose this voting scheme...I would think of all entities, they would be the first to know firsthand the worthlessness of quantity.

In many cases it's an inner emotional pain alike feelings of guilt, worthlessness, desperation or depression.

Why don't they just move into the tech industry, an industry filled with those that proclaim the worthlessness of a degree and a low barrier to entry?Or are they not fit for tech?

Real estate very rarely collapses into worthlessness, whereas almost all equities eventually will.> the size of your return is related to the risk you are taking onNot true.

It would be like trying to demonstrate the worthlessness of a programming course by taking 20 brilliant programmers and having them skip it before starting inevitably successful careers.

This is an excellent commentary on the worthlessness of evolutionary psychology to explain social mechanisms or, in fact, anything at all.

The currency thus derives an initial value from this probability, and boots itself into existence from pure worthlessness - becoming a viable repository of savings.

HR's worthlessness has nothing to do with female employees; in dev and product roles where some companies have 20-30% females, they're generally in the upper half of contributors, and in design, which is often somewhat majority female, they're often the key to a company's success.

"In addition to familiar depression symptoms such as sadness, difficulty sleeping, feelings of guilt or worthlessness and loss of interest in pleasurable activities, the researchers expanded the list to include anger attacks, aggression or irritability, substance abuse, risk-taking behavior and hyperactivity.

Worthlessness definitions


having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful; "the drill sergeant's intent was to convince all the recruits of their worthlessness"

See also: ineptitude


the quality of being without practical use