Workmanship in a sentence as a noun

Then their workmanship becomes more expert by the time they get to the least frequently seen parts of a project.

It's kind of sad when you see a product that has taken a high degree of workmanship/skill/and effort to make, but which has no market.

If you see any glue oozing between the joints inside it's sloppy and cheap workmanship, pass on it and get another guitar.

It is clearly a beautiful design - and the workmanship is incredible as well.

I cannot imagine him using such words, though he also would not have knowingly allowed faulty workmanship to be done.

You do not want to use price as the only negotiation basis when advanced levels of workmanship is involved.

The LVL1 hackerspace in Louisville just moved into an old factory and I am constantly stunned by the workmanship that went into that old building.

The accuracy of the pyramid's workmanship is such that the four sides of the base have an average error of only 58 millimetres in length.

Visitors will be able to walk around them and admire their antique workmanship as they obliviously continue their steady journey.

"If you really feel that way about where you work, you need to get out."This along with the parent immediately brought to mind one of my favorites of Demming's 14 key points:* "12a: Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship.

Being able to use a radio to know who voted what because of electronic interference emitted by a voting machine is not just a "closed voting machine by a commercial company" problem, but one of pure negligence, ignorance and poor workmanship.

What happened was that the conclusion was reached in engineering and management meetings and the word filtered out to the workers that poor workmanship was the proximate cause of the loss of Columbia as if there wasnt enough blame to go around in many other areas.

Workmanship definitions


skill in an occupation or trade

See also: craft craftsmanship