Woozy in a sentence as an adjective

If I don't get 8 hours minimum now I'm woozy the rest of the day.

I got a little woozy with all of the unexpected zoom-outs.

Just got a weirdly sore throat yesterday, a very slight fever, a bit of a woozy head.

The article has more than a few of these woozy rationalisations, which is sad as there are some decent points in there.

How did it progress?The week prior, I went home early from work one day after throwing up a little bit and feeling woozy.

I remember being prescribed Oxytocin after my surgery and it was a fun woozy drug.

Imagine that you get just such an implant, and suddenly, you just feel woozy or tired, as if something is really going royally wrong, as if your consciousness is no longer really "in control.

If I were going to be doing engine diagnostics and parachute drills, I'd want to be up in the 3000-5000' range, and personally I'd get a little woozy at that altitude zooming along without nav lights, a transponder, or even a big profile.

But when people talk about a lighter kind of anesthesia called "twilight sedation" or "conscious sedation", they actually do mean "we'll make you a little woozy, but keep you awake -- and also inhibit memory formation so you'll feel like you slept through it." The lack of disclosure to patients of exactly what this means -- "yes, you'll be awake, but you won't remember" -- gives me bad feelings about medical ethics.

The fact that Google is trying to exploit their search dominance to funnel people into a Facebook competitor screams "anti-trust violation" to me, and the information-control consequences make me a little woozy -- I'd rather that Facebook dominate the space completely than give Google any more of my personal information.

Woozy definitions


having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; "had a dizzy spell"; "a dizzy pinnacle"; "had a headache and felt giddy"; "a giddy precipice"; "feeling woozy from the blow on his head"; "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff"

See also: dizzy giddy vertiginous