Wooly in a sentence as an adjective

All wooly 'feel-good' words and no hard, concrete information.

An 'onramp' is a wooly concept because so many things could constitute one.

Otherwise wooly mammoth coats and steaks will be really expensive.

However, when you can't trust the Police, protection is something of a wooly construct.

I don't agree with much of the article, it's quite wooly, but this point was the most valid/interesting part and I think you might have missed it.

When planes crashed in the wooly pioneering days of aviation, people probably stood around sadly tsk-tsking someone's failure to recognize a stall.

Good answer, you obviously do measure well, fair enough!I now just challenge anything without numbers, it's frustrating to read wooly posts about SEO or online advertising that aren't explicit.

For those who don't have time to read the article, "mini Ice Age" literally means that winter will last longer, and be more prevalent at lower altitudes/latitudesWell, that's what "ice age" meant in the days of wooly mammoths too.

The most interesting part of that article is the non-chalant last line: "Once the [wooly mammoth's] tissues have been treated to a nuclear transfer process, the eggs will be implanted into the womb of a live elephant for a 22-month pregnancy.

Wooly definitions


having a fluffy character or appearance

See also: flocculent woolly


confused and vague; used especially of thinking; "muddleheaded ideas"; "your addled little brain"; "woolly thinking"; "woolly-headed ideas"

See also: addled befuddled muddled muzzy woolly woolly-headed wooly-minded


covered with dense often matted or curly hairs; "woolly lambs"

See also: woolly wooly-haired woolly-haired