Womanize in a sentence as a verb

In short, he was a womanizer who does not deserve our praise.

A lot of fans know what kind of womanizer he was, I mean the guy had like 3-4 mistresses at a time.

Yeah and he's not exactly silent about his desire or attempts to womanize.

No. He was a drunken womanizer who spent other people's money.

Her reaction is one of diffidence, reluctance hes really quite a womanizer.

Why did the Democrats continue to protect him despite the fact that he's a womanizer and a liar?

To be fair, he was accused of being a terrible womanizer by the same FBI who was trying to destroy and discredit him.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows a long-term womanizer who can't manage to settle down, even though he now claims to want to.

If I opt to do so, I become an adulterer, philanderer, womanizer, etc.

As a notorious womanizer, this app enrages me. I will have no choice now but to become a caring, sensitive, one-woman man.

MLK, Jr. was a terrible womanizer but nobody brings that up because it, rightly so, shouldn't ***** his civil rights legacy.

It seems almost entirely fixed on describing Engels as a rich womanizer who secretly adored Christianity.

I'm not familiar with the platform but I somehow doubt that the majority of male Tinder users can get away with rude comments or a cavalier attitude and still womanize.

Just a minor quibble, not meant to detract your point: it's curious that even as you criticize America's sense of morality, you seem to use "gentlemen" as opposed to "womanizer".

> Wittgenstein was a terrible person who hit children, hard, on the head:That old bugbear - horrible as he might have been in person, his philosophy is distinct from this side of him. We might as well insinuate that Feynmann's work is worthless because he was a womanizer.> Not having any philosophical problems one is interested in or finds fruitful is completely understandableHow is reasoning about the problems of philosophy itself not an interesting philosophical problem?

Womanize definitions


have amorous affairs; of men; "He has been womanizing for years"

See also: philander womanise


to give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to; "This hairdo feminizes the man"

See also: feminize feminise effeminize effeminise