Woman in a sentence as a noun

Did one of the founders ask this woman to take down or limit access to her blog post?

I told the woman that I wanted to amend the contract and she huffed and told me they don't do that.

And it's usually not blatant, "blah blah a woman's place is in the home get out of my office" type of stuff.

Does he really think this woman that just had her life turned upside down gives a **** about his next round of funding?

It doesn't matter if this is a woman who you're behind closed doors with for the first time, that's not a normal, acceptable "move".

And that makes it harder than ever to gauge what the "right" reaction is as a woman when one of these events happens around you.

It is much harder to say 'no, not taking notes, you only want me to do that because I'm a woman' even when it's true.

"You do not need to resort to pulling out your dick and forcibly placing the woman's hand on it in order to "make a move.

] It was about an Earthling man and woman who were kidnapped by extra-terrestrials.

I'm talking to the man or woman out there who is afraid there might be something wrong with their mind, and who feel alone and afraid.

The same woman had a hearty laugh earlier in the firing meeting after joking, "I bet you didn't expect your afternoon to go like this, huh?

This woman is routinely involved in travesties of justice related to online activities and thinks this means sending "a message".

A woman who already speaks and organizes events is writing and illustrating a children's book about programming–and some of you sit and criticize her motives, pedagogy, and presentation skills from your desks.

If you need a tl;dr, or if you read it quickly, this is the most important line in the post:> What you end up with is the situation where you, as a conference goer, walk up to a booth and, because youre no stranger to how this works, ignore any attractive woman and talk directly to a male at the booth.

If she's too tough she's marked as an "angry *****" and will get rejected, if she's not perfectly competent in areas far outside of her job function, she'll be marked as "stupid" and get rejected, etc. etc. Cultivating authority, for a woman, requires a degree of careful presentation and balance that is very hard to do and most men don't have to deal with.

Woman definitions


an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"


a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man; "he was faithful to his woman"


a human female employed to do housework; "the char will clean the carpet"; "I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"

See also: charwoman char


women as a class; "it's an insult to American womanhood"; "woman is the glory of creation"; "the fair sex gathered on the veranda"

See also: womanhood