Wiseness in a sentence as a noun

That’s it. I was not commenting on the wiseness of not enabling the right click by default.

Bringing an outsider was the sexy thing to do but I think today's earnings show the wiseness in picking the right person for the job.

It is almighty wiseness, Google Maps was then showing a white page instead of showing me the previously downloaded maps.

I'll re-read PGs advise again, he does have great credibility and wiseness so maybe I need more study on this strategy.

That worldly wiseness is important in a startup seeking relevance to very real supply chains in constant motion.

Then, wouldn't it some form of wiseness to not reveal yourself until the species proves able to overcome the challenge of leaving peacefully and in harmony with the rest of the cosmos, or goes extinct, or destroy it if it seems to evolve toward a possible form of threat?

"The man sitting across from him, a 40-something businessman with auburn hair, wearing a navy Italian suit jacket with a white shirt, worn casually, spoke in a thick American southern accent that hid the wiseness beyond his years and began with the net worth of various highly wealthy people, comparing their wealth to the time it took to obtain said wealth.

Wiseness definitions


the quality of being prudent and sensible

See also: wisdom soundness


the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight

See also: wisdom