Wilted in a sentence as an adjective

Check on it every now and then to make sure your plants aren't wilted in the afternoon.

Everything is boiled for safety, even lettuce is wilted in the pan.

I hoped no one had noticed, and promptly pocketed the cancer stick's wilted husk as discretely as I could manage.

My conventional grocer ships the kale to Wisconsin from Georgia, and by the time it gets here it is yellow and wilted.

In the past I've had qualms about using things like Safeway delivery - I'd end up with mushy fruit and wilted vegetables.

But I felt like the article over-stated it, and that almost all of the statements the article made in support of the idea wilted as I read them.

Nowadays I don't even think about it any more, except when people who don't get groceries delivered say they don't trust they won't get the wilted ones.

I just kept chugging away while the ones who were "so much smarter" who got in with their top grades and SAT's wilted under the pressure of having to do so much work.

Specific plant enzymes released when plant cells are damaged when chewed, crushed, wilted, or frozen, hydrolyze the glycosides to cyanide.

I gave you a legitimate non-aesthetic reason and you came back with a softly wilted notion conjured whole out of your imagination.

If I anthropomorphize my lettuce in just the right way, pulling leaves off of the plant for salad causes them to wilt, while bathing the same wilted leaves in cold water causes them stiffen again.

Entertainment reasons, though... I caught my wife teaching our not-yet-two-years-old daughter to use the word "etiolated" when referring to a green bean that was wilted and yellowish.

They acquired companies like delicious and Flickr, one they let wilted and the other they never really integrated into their platform- Flickr just feels like a freestanding entity.

I was a Mac addict as a kid, all the way up to around Windows 95, when it just became impossible to continue supporting the platform; the ecosystem had wilted at that point to a shadow of its former self.

A likely problem when you have the store itself doing the picking and delivering is that they have a significant incentive to pick the worst produce for you--the most bruised apples, the wilted-est lettuce--because it gets it off the shelves.

Wilted definitions


not firm; "wilted lettuce"

See also: limp