Wiggly in a sentence as an adjective

"Your red ruby lips and wiggly hips make me do flips!"

Yet more wiggly phrases made to try to shift the goal posts that is privacy. Let's drop the meta.

One thing that I'm curious about: the GI tract is long and wiggly. Stuffing a transplant in one end only gets flora so far.

Encryption would be portrayed as wiggly squares on a screen. "Port scanning" would be confused with "hacking."

A hard ban on politics and current events, instead of the wiggly one we have in the site guidelines now.

The other guy though, reaches over to the cashier and does a wiggly weird handshake. The cashier smiles knowingly, hits a button and boom it says $86.

He didn't prove the wiggly-sided paralellogram -> rectangle transition when the angle of each slice goes to 0. He also did not prove that he is allowed to take the angle to 0.

But for this active and useful little craft with its wiggly diagonal propagation and useful character, it is as good as death." Though it is fairly easy to miss, it is stated in the article.

That also seems to use linear interpolation, giving signatures the 'wiggly' digital look.

A demonstration of how you can build up a 'wiggly line' to match an audio sample by adding together multiple waves of different frequencies. This then leads into talking about a real world example - mp3 encoding.

Doesn't matter if you actually pay the bills working at the piggly wiggly, as far as your resume and your on-line identity is concerned, you are running your own company. This works best if you actually do work on your personal company.

The only times I've heard them complain about smelly BO was when everyone else could too and the person in question should have had wiggly smell lines draw around them if they were in a comic.

The 4th amendment isn't general, it's fairly specific while simultaneously being wiggly. The 4th amendment could have been written in more absolute language, like the 1st: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech."

The ideal would be to buy a lower end grocer like a piggly wiggly in a market that also supports higher end grocers. You continue operating the Piggly Wiggle/low end grocer under the same brand name and don't even publicize the fact that Amazon owns and operates it.

Maybe a teacher would put a wiggly line under wrongly ordered adjectives, but it wouldn’t actually be a serious mistake, just a weird stylistic choice? Also, it’s entirely possible I actually was taught about adjective order, but have forgotten all about it.

How obvious is it to a new iOS user that they need to press an icon on the Home screen until the icons go wiggly in order to re-arrange them? I'd argue that this is pretty non-obvious, yet every iOS user has learned this action, despite there being no "active areas" that reveal this behavior.

There are even slight changes in the gradient between slides of the same color, which made it look like the whole slideshow was doing some weird wiggly thing every time I went to a new slide. Looking at some of the featured decks, it's totally possible to make a slideshow on slid. es without having wiggly, animated, gradient backgrounds that change colors every 5 slides, so this was kind of a weird choice.

Wiggly definitions


curved or curving in and out; "wiggly lines"

See also: sinuate sinuous


moving in a twisting or snake-like or wormlike fashion; "wiggly worms"

See also: wriggling wriggly writhing