Whirring in a sentence as a noun

If they had robots whirring around I'd be much more impressed.

I absolutely love all the buzzing and whirring in the video.

My problem is that when the fans of my 2012 rMBP are whirring, the heat emanates from the keyboard which is.... odd.

"Someone watching him climb wouldnt know he had a prosthesis based on his gait, Hargrove said, though they may hear the motor whirring.

When he finally got a Macintosh, the mechanical spinning and whirring of the floppy during boot disappointed him.

A robot that is cautiously making small movements, buzzing and whirring going about it's business with no one there to hear the sounds or see the movements it's making.

It's like a toy robot whirring against the stairs - you could argue that eventually he'll arrive at the top, but in practice that's never going to happen, no matter how long you wait.

Whirring in a sentence as an adjective

But you're allowed to enjoy it too.> Just before the whirring and banging of the machine gets louder, the operator encourages young patients to listen closely for the moment that the craft shifts into hyper-drive.

Just typing this, laptop keys clicking, fan whirring, electrical timer creaking, crows squawking, the uncouth hollering of neighbors outside, cars rumbling in the distance, I am longing to experience such silence again.

You should see greater accuracy when your phone has been relatively idle and reached an equilibrium with the environment whereas if your phone has been whirring through cpu cycles the accuracy will decrease.

And unlike when they "collapse" on Star Trek and the only manifestation is a polite electronic "whirring" noise, being in a collapsing real warp field is a death sentence, with tidal forces on par with black hole gravitational fields.

This whirring, ultra-buzzy technology can keep track of all its moving parts and, when its time inevitably comes, it would have the grace and power to turn itself in at the gates of the junkyard and suffer itself to be mindfully pulled apart.

The newness of computer networks, the ascendancy of Japan, the aesthetics of computer hardware -- boxy, whirring things with stark, green CRTs spewing masses of indecipherable alphanumeric incantations, big clunky cables, heavy briefcase-size mobile units; it's all there.

Whirring definitions


sound of something in rapid motion; "whir of a bird's wings"; "the whir of the propellers"

See also: whir whirr birr


like the sound of rapidly vibrating wings