Wheeling in a sentence as a noun

I must have missed the laugh track running behind them slowly wheeling a dead car into their garage.

As much as you might like to tell yourself macs are free-wheeling will never get that burden, they're already in my directory.

The lab PI becomes a publicity guy, giving lots of lectures and wheeling and dealing with funding agencies.

Perhaps it's just me... but I've never found a way to schedule the free-wheeling ideation that can be achieved through chance, brief interpersonal encounters.

Even the legendarily free-wheeling communities like submarines and fighter aviation deal with red tape and subsuming egos to the team.

I didn't have the emotional energy to be schmoozing, wheeling, and dealing; I'd much rather have invested that same time and energy in learning, growing, and producing great work.

Canada is a land where a lot of the big businesses maintain their position by wheeling and dealing with the government under the guise of economic protectionism.

> Once you have looked behind the curtain of government wheeling and dealing at such multi-billion situations you tend to believe that what Kim Schmitz is telling might actually be the closest we get to the truthAre you aware that he has numerous convictions for things such as trafficking in stolen goods, embezzlement, and insider trading?

Wheeling definitions


a city in the northern panhandle of West Virginia on the Ohio river

See also: Wheeling


propelling something on wheels

See also: rolling