Western in a sentence as a noun

A single western blot takes longer than 6 hours to run. ****, I work 50+ hours/week and progress is still very slow.

Misleading title, it is not "western diet" what is bad for health, it is fast food, and sugar sweety food what is. What Americans were eating 70-50-30 years ago was healthy and "western".

I've yet to see any other form of western activism that is as disruptive as leaking/hacking I think that nails it. These days, the internet is the backbone of our world.

The thesis of the article is pretty obvious: Sugar is toxic in the amounts found in a typical western diet.

I think it is part of a plan to destroy western society by locking up all the courts and government with unanswerable questions such as "Who first thought of the rectangle?" .

For a larger part of society in the western hemisphere, that means birthdates in the 1970s. yes, gates, jobs were born earlier, but the majority of their users were born later.

Western in a sentence as an adjective

To me the beauty of western civilization is that really broken people can do these amazing and awesome things. The fact that we're deeply flawed is the magic.

I like to believe that western governments are out to serve their citizens and protect their freedoms, but I cannot explain how that fits with what these banks are doing and how the governments just let it happen. This has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of Wikileaks as an organisation.

If western politicians could just get over their taboos about drug use and let idiots stuff themselves with whatever ***** they like, not just nicotine and alcohol, we would make the US richer and safer. And this isn't a hypothetical: more than 12 years ago, Portugal decriminalized possession of all ***** -- from ********* to heroin -- and plowed the money saved by no longer jailing addicts into treating them.

Because this is a low-wage country, the 12 million in lost revenue this cost is quite low in absolute terms, compared to what it would be in more western, bigger cities, but it's still a large chunk of money relative to GDP here. Due to the requirement that you need to be a resident of this city, 10000 more people have "migrated" to Tallinn from other cities, now paying taxes here, and adding a predicted 9 million in tax revenue for Tallinn.

It is easy to disparage the Encyclopedia Britannica from a modern perspective - out-of-step, overpriced, outmaneuvered by competitors - but there is a great sadness here at the demise of something that represented an effort by western scholars to "capture the world's knowledge." Imagine assembling a "A" team of scholars and scientists, getting them to make substantial, substantive contributions in each of their respective areas of expertise, and publishing the results under the guidance of a top editorial board. The results echoed in the western world at the highest levels for no less than two centuries, culminating in a famous 1911 edition that was widely regarded as the pinnacle in assembled human knowledge to that time - something to be marveled at. For years, collectors paid a great premium to buy the 1911 edition, just for that reason. Even in the period leading up to the 1960s, the EB was a staple in most every western home where parents valued education and academic achievement for their kids.

In 17th century England, as modern western society was taking shape, you had, on the one side, royalists who despised political freedom, who valued rule by a church hierarchy, and yet who were much given to licentious habits in their lifestyles while, on the other, you had those who agitated for political freedom, who fought oppressive forms of centralized rule, who ultimately broke away to form what became America, and yet who in their personal lives bore the grim face of the puritan that sought at every turn to chain, quarter, and shame everyone all about who thought it might be fun to dance or to have a little fun in life. It seems that in our modern society we have ported over the spirit of the puritan in castigating others even as we have won the freedoms that allow us under law to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Proper Noun Examples for Western

This is leaving behind the absurdity of trying to impose Western norms on an African continent lacking thousands of years of western history with literature, law, and democracy. You don't get to Tom Paine without Cato - and there was a 1700 year process connecting the two.

Western definitions


a film about life in the western United States during the period of exploration and development

See also: Western


a sandwich made from a western omelet


relating to or characteristic of the western parts of the world or the West as opposed to the eastern or oriental parts; "the Western world"; "Western thought"; "Western thought"


of or characteristic of regions of the United States west of the Mississippi River; "a Western ranch"


lying toward or situated in the west; "our company's western office"


of wind; from the west

See also: westerly