Weltanschauung in a sentence as a noun

Lots of great insight here into the weltanschauung of scrambling startups.

Social skills are those we develop to be able to function in a world of different weltanschauung.

And given that Google is all about doing everything they do at a massive scale, neither of the two suggestions fit their weltanschauung.

Thanks, and no worries, my original post was... raw. Representative of my inner weltanschauung, but not of the self I present and project, and not intended to signal anything, just to provide context.

Quite regularly when reading works by Aristotle and by philosophers aligned with his weltanschauung.

His enthusiasm and happiness and weltanschauung are contagious!

He put his observations to work, and well, as certainly in my case, his teleology, his epistemology, his entire weltanschauung was deeply contagious.

Weltanschauung definitions


a comprehensive view of the world and human life

See also: Weltanschauung