Weightiness in a sentence as a noun

The weightiness of the JVM, what Jobs called a "big ball and chain.

The weightiness of a concept isn't diminished when people decide to recycle a word [1].

Not to mention the extra mental "weightiness" to all those people of having one more thing in their lives that's constantly filling with cruft and needing to be emptied?

The battery life, light weightiness, beautiful display, faster boot-up times, overall smoothness of the UI all contributes to this experience.

And ignoring the moral weightiness of the decisions doesn't remove the consequences or our responsibility for ourselves as a society.> On a personal note, I don't believe in this "removal of empathy" idea that's been tossed around by a few psychologists.

Weightiness definitions


the relative importance granted to something; "his opinion carries great weight"; "the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed"

See also: weight


the property of being comparatively great in weight; "the heaviness of lead"

See also: heaviness