Weary in a sentence as a verb

Less?So be weary when reading and citing those articles.

I'm growing weary of large files with tons of redundant javadoc lines to make some checkstyle/pmd rule happy.

I'm so weary of people pitching the solution to WordPress and then tossing a proprietary cloud hosted thing at me.

If it becomes weary of the old methods used to persuade it to accept a given idea or commodity, its leaders will present their appeals more intelligently.

Weary in a sentence as an adjective

Myself, I'm becoming weary of turning every inconvenience into some sort of political issue.

I guess I'm just feeling weary of grad-school tropes, but think about this statement with me:"I hope that we will find an effective way of solving the problem of electronic waste, which is growing quickly.

First a little backstory: I "inherited" CollegeACB from the original creators who had grown weary from the moral quandaries of running the service and lacked the time/effort to expand the business.

"After five years of bailouts financed largely by austerity-weary European taxpayers, wealthy nations like Germany and the Netherlands have decreed that from now on when a bank or country fails, it will be bond investors and perhaps even bank depositors who will be forced to pick up a big share of the bill.

Weary definitions


exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"


lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"

See also: tire pall fatigue jade


physically and mentally fatigued; "`aweary' is archaic"

See also: aweary