Waxen in a sentence as an adjective

I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy Ratty, matty, oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming Streaming, flaxen, waxen, knotted, polka dotted Twisted, beaded, braided, powdered, flowered and confettied Bangled, tangled, spangled and spaghettied

Waxen definitions


made of or covered with wax; "waxen candles"; "careful, the floor is waxy"

See also: waxy


having the paleness of wax; "the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor"- Bram Stoker; "the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him"; "a thin face with a waxy paleness"

See also: waxlike waxy