Waterfall in a sentence as a noun

> The whole horrible waterfall process was an urban legend ********. Source: I lived through it in the early and mid 1990s.

, after which they describe a process that looks entirely like waterfall. It's an entertaining fallacy.

The software industry has largely abandoned waterfall development because it just doesn't work well in practice. It doesn't work because people don't know perfectly what they want before they build it.

The above highlights that the waterfall process of design -> develop does not work. Instead it should be design -> develop/design/develop.

Clearly, I made good money but I didn’t get an Instagram-style money waterfall. I retired with $3M. I’ve made another $1M off a well-timed investment of $30K in bitcoin, so my net worth is $4M now.

And the next person that says to me "derp derp derp, well it's better than waterfall herp derp" can go fly a kite. If you think we live in a world where there's only two ways to manage/build software, then you're a fool and have no business being in this business.

Continuous iterations get in the way of it, but it isn't clear that the heavy engineering waterfall model gets people to do it either. Sometimes you need some distance so you can come back and ask "is this good code?

We made a monster trap that drops tons of resources next to a powered railroad track, so you can get in a cart, whiz by monsters, after which they burn in lava, then their byproducts fall down a waterfall. I made an underwater dome out of glass.

Even worse it tends to rely on a "big design up front" or "waterfall" development model. Commercial development tends to be extremely pragmatic and iterative, leading to improved results.

It feels like swimming up a waterfall. The NSA can so easily ruin lives by planting illegal material on your computer, then tip off the local cops who get a search warrant, then they seize your computer and find the illegal material on your computer.

The modern waterfall of self-professed 'startups' are run by guys and girls who watched 'How to Build a Blog in 15 minutes using Rails' then decided they were the next Steve Jobs. Let's get realistic here - building a web app or an Iphone app these days is no more high-tech than a mechanic fixing your broken car.

That's the three months of the open-source waterfall where the open-source business analysts gather requirements from the open-source stakeholders before handing over the open-source PRD to the open-source developers, right? As if.

That's what the drug is directly influencing, and as a result your mind goes over the waterfall and you are forced to just go along with it, or suffer if you put up resistance. The problem with long term fans of DMT, cannabis, and all manner of psychedelics is that you end up writing books about it that mean more to you than they could anyone else.

I had zero interest and respect for maintenance, unit tests, requirements & specs, UML modelling, refactoring, waterfall method, agile, kanban... I found that whole discipline filled with unproven subjective airheaded garbage, essentially a fad.

Waterfall definitions


a steep descent of the water of a river

See also: falls