Watchful in a sentence as an adjective

If the arm of the corrupt is bound by watchful eyes, the damage that arm can do is minimized.

Meme backlash is certainly something to be watchful for.

When I saw the "Secure beneath the watchful eyes" poster [1] I couldn't believe it wasn't satire.

I can think of a ton of companies that have manipulated their way under the watchful gaze of Wall Street.

That is some ingenuity in sneaking the easter egg in, under the watchful eyes of so many others.

Most cases of prostate cancer can be responded to by "watchful waiting" with no particular treatment.

You can't be expected to be watchful over gigabytes of data; that's the whole point of a backup service.

I never put anything valuable at easy to reach pockets and I am very watchful of my personal distance.

I'm especially watchful for signs that a game is just an exercise in "repeat simple task, increment arbitrary number.

I iPad or iPhone often, and accidentally hitting the wrong thing would be annoying; I might not be watchful enough to unflag.

Plants need to be operated with competent designs under the watchful eyes of competent engineers.

And even if he was sloppy, it's hard to imagine somebody being so negligent that he didn't bother to check his airspeed when landing a 777 under the watchful eye of his instructor.

In that study, they had two playgrounds -- a "safe one" with rubberized mats and chaperones keeping a watchful eye and a "dangerous" one with tall structures, concrete, piles of wood, metal poles and no adult supervision at all.

Watchful definitions


engaged in or accustomed to close observation; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty"

See also: alert


experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness; "insomniac old people"; "insomniac nights"; "lay sleepless all night"; "twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights"- Shakespeare

See also: insomniac sleepless