Waster in a sentence as a noun

Messaging back and forth gives the girl time to reject you, or they think you're a time waster.

And even worse, at least for our size brands, you have to deal with the pricing for each posting, which is a time waster.

I can't say my life was any better because of it, and as the article points out, it can be a huge time waster.

It's a huge frustration and time waster for everyone involved.

A silly time-waster at best but generally worse then a joke told among friends.

Climbing up and peering inside each and every vehicle is a time-waster.

Yep, stack/needle mess and inconsistency in naming is annoying, but not exactly a huge time waster.

I attribute my conversion from waster to nerd entirely to my experiences with ***.

Angry Birds is a great time waster, Cut the Rope actually has a surprising amount of strategy behind it. Neither of these are freemium.

No. no. no. the judge's trust talk was a falacy time waster.- give me your bank password so i can get the $5 you own me.- why dont i give you a check for $5?- so i have to trust your check is good but you cant trust me with your bank password?see?

It doesn't bring the developers any useful insight, it's a time-waster at best and a commercial nightmare at worst.

Ungraciously it could be argued that atlassian's tools fall in the time waster category as well.

And for those experienced with it, it becomes an unbelievable time-waster because you spend inordinate amounts of time tweaking things for no good reason.

Office work gets boring after a while, and I plan to write silly time-waster apps in objective C, not your standard issue portfolio optimization code which I do at work anyways.

"Holding a bake sale for the Sierra Club is just a time-waster to keep the peons busy while the real Washington is playing a whole different game, by different rules, with several orders of magnitude more money.

It seems like you can spend years carefully building something useful, that actually improves people's lives and maybe cash out for peanuts, or you can do something that is borderline abusive, or just a time waster, and become an instant billionaire.

Does it make sense for the Ombudman to appoint 7000 inspectors to look after Indian Railways corruption or Should the railways try to thin its staff by outsourcing most of it's processes?Does it make sense to waster tax-payer's money on an ombudsman inspector to look after corruption in a loss making government factory that manufactures soap ?

Waster definitions


someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently

See also: wastrel


a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to; "a destroyer of the environment"; "jealousy was his undoer"; "uprooters of gravestones"

See also: destroyer ruiner undoer uprooter