Wart in a sentence as a noun

Tor is a tiny wart on the Internet's nose.

Does it have it's own wall-wart, or can you use a AC->USB converter?

As a result, most wall warts are going away, to be replaced by switched supplies.

The Bay Area is a horrible cancerous wart on the tech industry.

Even the wall wart for charging your phone needs to meet Class B in order to be sold or supplied for household use.

Despite all the complaints about when you use which punctuation, the wart factor seemed a lot lower than all the bleating complainers prepped me for.

Just the other day I was making a nightlight out of a candy can, an old perfume bottle, an old wall wart and some LEDs as a gift for a small child.

Does warts-and-all PHP include that eval wart, or is it more like most-warts-and-a-subset-of-all PHP?

Google had a program designed to max out the systems, and they plugged a server into a power meter wall-wart and ran this program for a while.

And as I have lamented in several places online, as well as verbally in discussions about it, I really love Perl, the language, despite its warts.

Nobody seriously tried to claim an early 80s era X-10 wall wart was a designed thing of beauty to show off to your friends, any more than a circuit breaker or a gas shutoff valve.

Major usability wart fixed: "ModelAdmin now preserves filters on the list view after creating, editing or deleting an object.

"That could be achieved by generating JS from the bytecode, which would turn the problem into a temporary one that disappears as browsers are updated, instead of yet another time and resource draining wart on the web platform.

I'm extremely excited and looking forward to using Rust in all my hobby projects once it stabilizes, but honestly when going through the tutorial this stood out as the only ugly wart in an otherwise amazingly beautiful language.

Wart definitions


any small rounded protuberance (as on certain plants or animals)


an imperfection in someone or something that is suggestive of a wart (especially in smallness or unattractiveness)


(pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin; caused by a virus

See also: verruca