Waitress in a sentence as a noun

The waitress asserted that the customer was a man.

Whether they prefer the number 34 or the letter X. Take them out to lunch and see if they know the name of the waiter/waitress.

What incentive does a waitress have to give you good service if she's making a standard wage and no tips?

If anyone: be it waitress or accountant will be required to understand IT it will not end well.

If you asked the waitress how much water you were allowed to have she would probably say "as much as you want".

And towards the end he switches to the notion of the waitress as a "sexual worker".Now for the interesting part.

The waitress's own accounting of the incident is exceptionally self serving and false.

Waitress in a sentence as a verb

For example, if a waitress hasnt brought your change at a restaurant after a few minutes and you say Bring me my change now it would be incredibly rude.

Instead, the owner had to strike a deal with a bar across the street, whereby they make the coffee and the waitress spends all day shuttling between the bar and the bookstore/caf.

Yeah, I know it sounds weird; but, when you order food from a restaurant, your meal is helping to pay the cook's wages and the waitress's wages and the table cleaner's wages and the dish washer's wages and the greeter's wages.

A good restaurant starts you off with a glass of water and refills it whenever your waiter/waitress notices that your cup seems to be a bit empty -- then you go, "wow, this is great service, I'll come back here again.

> What incentive does a waitress have to give you good service if she's making a standard wage and no tips?The same incentive every other worker that gets paid a hourly wage or monthly salary without tips has to do a their job properly.

It's not a problem if the coffee was grown by plantation slaves, and made by a Philippino guest-worker on an exploitive H1B1 equivalent visa, but the waitress had better be quick, efficient, and get out of our way so we don't feel sorry for her.

Waitress definitions


a woman waiter


serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant; "I'm waiting on tables at Maxim's"

See also: wait