Vouchsafe in a sentence as a verb

"My matter hath no voice, to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear.

To easily get my contacts to sync with my phone, which is the primary reason I collect them at all, I still have to vouchsafe them to Apple or Google.

He's not a US citizen and has no duty of care for confidential information from the US that was never vouchsafed with him to begin with.

The privacy of employees takes a back seat, way in the back, behind the luggage, to the privacy of the information customers vouchsafe with the company.

If it is not vouchsafed by the principal, real, living person about whom this book claims to be about, then perhaps a disclaimer about it being a work of fiction should be on the cover itself...

It's why nearly every piece of evidence entered into trial, even simple documents and scientific analyses, requires a witness to vouchsafe.

That's what the "secure value storage" drama is about: using SGX to optionally vouchsafe an encrypted contact database, which would allow Signal to operate with opaque identifiers rather than contacts.

If experience has no value to them in hiring, they're learning that somewhere, and it needs to be corrected by the investors--if not for the morality of responsibility to young people looking to them for guidance, but to vouchsafe their own investment.

Ordinary combat methods could not solve the situation, so Gideon —acting upon more exalted inspiration than is usually vouchsafed modern commanders— took the technology and military formality of his time into account.

You don’t; at best you rent one for a little while, but between spoofs, hijacks, simple homonyms, and the inevitable renewal expiry dates, your ability to vouchsafe your online representation for the rest of the world is a paper-thin joke; as trustworthy and dependable as a three-bob note...TL;DR: .ORG sell-off is a symptom, not the problem.

Vouchsafe definitions


grant in a condescending manner