Vocational in a sentence as an adjective

They had a second option, which is vocational school. These often have no tuition.

It allowed my Mother, who was a stay at home Mom with two wild *** kids, to take the time out to get a solid vocational education and get a job that pays a decent wage. Anyways.

Schools who cannot afford vocational programs were not going to afford computer programming. If I had been born 10 years earlier or later then I would not be in a technology field.

As soon as it becomes vocational the whole point is lost. We don't need to "fix higher ed", we need to remember why we created it in the first place - to teach a small percentage of the population how to use critical thinking.

The second image is blue collar, the tradesman, the kid who took shop class for four years, the vocational school graduate. If we accept the second image, that says something deep and maybe unpleasant about how we look at our work.

That phrasing was deliberate and different to treating college as some kind of vocational processing plant. It means if you spend 8 years studying history at top schools and rack up $200,000 in debt then you probably made some bad choices.

It's pretty specifically stated that this is not a vocational school. A lot of classes can benefit from an injection of programming - a few off the top of my head include statistics, maths, physics...

Saying that high school doesn't teach you anything vocational but you learn how to learn is interesting, but to answer the OP directly we need some evidence showing that students are indeed learning to learn. Otherwise, it's just faith.

It's amazing that his high school had electronics classes and vocational externships. Is that something that was common at the time or just another amazing aspect of Silicon Valley?

In the late 80's I went to vocational school to study architectural drafting, in no small part in order to get my hands on AutoCad. Part of that interest was AutoLisp. The best way to explain the idea behind AutoCad is that it was Emacs for vectors.

Self-medicating with *********, Tims drug of choice for lowering the volume of the voices in his head, got him suspended from the first high school he attended a public, vocational-technical school in Middletown, Conn. and placed on court-ordered probation."

As the field matures, the fields that are the bread-and-butter of basic vocational computer science are increasingly swallowed by more sophisticated technical solutions that are more mechanized and productized. Comp.

This doesn't mean you can't do any of these things if you choose not to go to college, but if you're making that decision then you should know that the experience is more than just 'expensive and ineffective vocational training.'

In fact, many of these terrible universities offer far more vocational/non-liberal-arts majors than the elite universities. You won't find communications majors at Yale.

This article talks only about journeymen and women who are truly exotic and rare but it doesn't really emphasize that vocational training the alternative to college still is alive and well in Germany. You usually don't got to college if you want to become a hairdresser or a mechatronic engineer. After they finish school, the apprentices work three or four days per week at some company and go to a vocational school the rest of the time.

They were not there for vocational training. But they were the newcomers. The original model of university student was the one Westfall described in his excellent biography of Newton: "a plodding group, narrowly vocational in outlook, lower-class youths grimly intent on ecclesiastical preferment as the means to advancement."

Nutshell: this op-ed is from someone who hates broad-based education and wants to bring in a sort of reverse work-training system: you pay them for the privilege of working at various companies, and we call it modern vocational education.

I did something like this once many years ago for one of my wife's students, a precocious high-schooler who needed to be challenged beyond the elementary Fortran she was teaching at the vocational school. So I outlined the steps it would take to translate a toy language into a toy computer's instruction set, and reviewed it with the young man one afternoon at my office - an abbreviated compiler theory class with an eager audience of one.

Colleges need to provide uniform quality vocational training to accomplish this end. He also dismisses much of the research that shows colleges do not teach much critical thinking by suggesting that if a measurement gives a surprising result, the measurement is wrong since we know the result should be otherwise. These are the arguments of a desperate man who does not understand humans or what education is. This all said, I was fascinated and amazed that his three reasons for college match up with the criticism of educational reformers such as John Gatto, who argues that the problem with contemporary education is that it trains factory workers, performs vocational education and assumes people hate learning and must be forced to learn things when in fact people actually are built to learn and will pursue it naturally unless their spirit is crushed by institutionalized forced schooling.

Quote Examples using Vocational

I think that's the difference between academic education, and vocational training. I've made this point before, but people often conflate the two, and are unable to separate them in their minds. What this person is saying is "these things do not train a person to perform these specific sets of tasks". That's vocational training, and there's nothing wrong with that. Academic education, on the other hand, is about learning to think, about history, rhetoric, science, and all sorts of things that aren't directly applicable to a particular job, but provide a necessary foundation for critical thinking and enlightenment, so to speak. What our system really needs is two streams. An academic stream, for those who choose, and a vocational stream, which is what a large proportion of students and seemingly educators like this guy want. This way, everyone gets what they want. Students truly interested in learning things not directly related to performing a job will have the benefit of a more supportive learning environment, and students who just want to get a job will also attain the required vocational training.


Vocational definitions


of or relating to a vocation or occupation; especially providing or undergoing training in special skills; "vocational school"; "vocational students learning to repair a motor"