Vocalizing in a sentence as a noun

To be honest, I'd had a hard time vocalizing how I felt about the whole thing.

Often just the act of vocalizing dislodges the log jam.

I respect Rand and give him a lot of credit for vocalizing his challenges.

It's always nice when people down vote you instead of vocalizing their disagreement.

That's much much faster sub-vocalizing than they claim is possible.

A lot of people are vocalizing disagreement with the authors experience.

" and vocalizing their fears about something they don't understand.

I don't think it's the vocalizing per se.. it's really about thinking through your problem with enough depth to explain it to someone else.

The keyboard is not very good at determining which words I'm internally vocalizing either, still seems to work.

The point I'm trying to convey is that maybe we can learn to transmit words using some form of brain reader, but that measures something else than vocalizing.

What are you doing to address the problems you have surrounding the use of technology in such ways beyond vocalizing your displeasure?

"Often just the act of vocalizing dislodges the log jam."Got my next product idea: mashup of SAM and Eliza as a developer help line

That audience seems to simply be more innately talented at vocalizing the cool things they're doing, and making sure they mention that they did it all "...with Ruby!

Nevertheless, the algorithms used to do this are perfectly useless when it comes to distinguishing whatever words the user is internally vocalizing.

There's something intimate and human about vocalizing one's thoughts and it would be great to build on that instead of getting rid of it.\n- There is some semblance of separation and privacy between computer/AI and user.

Perhaps I fall into the camp of the 1k+ wpm readers, and by extension am a non-linear, non-vocalizing reader, but going this slow, and seeing only one word at a time made me conscious of my mind "saying" every word.> it forces you to read every wordAlso a pain in the *** - I found if you blink, you'll end up missing words.

Vocalizing definitions


the act of singing vocal music

See also: singing