Vocal in a sentence as a noun

There is also a very vocal group of RED haters who spew bs for no apparent reason.

My experience is that the Real Names policy was hated by a small but vocal and influential group of users.

If this story is true, which it kind of sounds like it isn't, then the only reason people are being vocal about it is because of the news.

Obviously there was a /vocal/ user base which is very loudly now upset that the product is being sunset.

Not vocal voice, but your authorial voice, the sort of thing English teachers teach you to detect in written documents.

Everything that's worth doing will have detractors, and when it's something really worth doing it will have vocal detractors.

Even hiring managers employed by a vocal advocate of skipping college.

Vocal in a sentence as an adjective

It seems more likely that this is just another case of the "vocal minority" being amplified by uncritical journalists.

They try to imitate human speech which takes enormous effort on their part because unlike for example parrots their vocal tract is not conducive for this at all.

As in any group, the vocal minority tends to have the more fundamentalist / extremist points of view on a subject, which could lead to the outcomes TFA discusses.

If we had good female representation in the industry and we didn't have a small cluster of vocal misogynists, we'd be able to make cute jokes that play on gender.

I don't know if I didn't have the typical college experience or if people like the author just tend to be more vocal about their experience because those in my position had a less rosy view of the whole thing.

Do not blame all of us just because a vocal minority have gotten out of hand, and certainly do not use it as a tool to shame us into silence and shut down what is so far a reasoned discussion on the matter.

"A Beautiful Mind" is the worst I've ever seen: - Most characters didn't exist, they are *inspired* by real persons\n - He never had visual hallucinations, only auditory\n - The hallucinations started *after* college\n - He and his wife divorced in 1963, they only remarried in 2001.\n - The pen laying and the Nobel ceremony never happened\n - Near the end of the movie, he say he's taking "new meds" while in real life, \n he stopped taking them after the mid 70's and he's vocal about it.

Vocal definitions


music intended to be performed by one or more singers, usually with instrumental accompaniment


a short musical composition with words; "a successful musical must have at least three good songs"

See also: song


relating to or designed for or using the singing voice; "vocal technique"; "the vocal repertoire"; "organized a vocal group to sing his compositions"


having or using the power to produce speech or sound; "vocal organs"; "all vocal beings hymned their praise"


given to expressing yourself freely or insistently; "outspoken in their opposition to segregation"; "a vocal assembly"

See also: outspoken


full of the sound of voices; "a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children"