Vivisect in a sentence as a verb

I don’t think people starve and vivisect mice for fun.

It is moral to vivisect a kitten for research?

He did stuff like nail his wife's dog to a board and vivisect it to prove that it couldn't "truly" feel pain.

Should we go for the painless, instantaneous ****, or since it's going to die anyway, should we vivisect it?

Who is the victim if I vivisect my dog on my property, away from public eyes?So, don't try to make this a general thing.

Speaking of predators: We would be horrified to watch a man vivisect an antelope, but we pay to watch documentaries of lions doing the same thing.

It's like being able to both dissect and vivisect the system without having to go through all the normal issues of setting up a debugger and instrumentation.

The fixed cost of innovation is large, with estimates of the average cost of bringing a single new drug to market as high as $800 million in current dollars... Indeed, according to industry surveys, the only industry in which patents are thought to play an important role in bringing new products to market is the pharmaceutical industry...The pharmaceutical industry is a complicated beast to vivisect, which can be approached from many contradictory angles and viewpoints.

Vivisect definitions


cut (a body) open while still alive; "people no longer vivisect animals--it's considered unethical"